Architectures, Standards and Engineering Library (A.R.S.EN.L) Standards

The Following List of Publicly Releasable MOSA Enabling Standards Support USAF MOSA Strategy

  • Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE)
    • This document embodies a set of requirements and descriptions referred to as the FACE Technical Standard. The FACE Technical Standard uses industry standards for distributed communications, programming languages, graphics, operating systems, and other areas as appropriate. The FACE Technical Standard begins with an architectural overview introducing the Reference Architecture, followed by a detailed description of each architectural segment and interface. This document then outlines requirements of each software component of the Reference Architecture. Finally, the appendices list the specific Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) required by the FACE Technical Standard, the FACE Data Architecture required by the FACE Technical Standard, as well as other applicable standards. Specific FACE terms are defined in the Glossary.
  • Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA)
    • The goal of The Open Group SOSA Consortium is to develop open architecture at the right level for Communications (Comms), Electro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR), Electronic Warfare (EW), Radar, and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) systems. The open architecture supports airborne, subsurface, surface, ground, and space. The SOSA Consortium strives to develop an ecosystem that allows interoperability, reuse, and faster delivery of products to market through vertical integration from cables, mechanical interfaces, hardware, software, and system designs.
  • Software Communication Architecture
    • The Software Communications Architecture (SCA) is published by the Joint Tactical Networking Center (JTNC). This architecture was developed to assist in the development of Software Defined Radio (SDR) communication systems, capturing the benefits of recent technology advances which are expected to greatly enhance interoperability of communication systems and reduce development and deployment costs.
  • Red Hawk
    • REDHAWK is a software-defined radio (SDR) framework designed to support the development, deployment, and management of real-time software radio applications. To support the design and development of software applications, REDHAWK provides tools that allow development and testing of software modules called "Components" and composition of Components into "Waveform Applications" that can be seamlessly deployed on a single computer or multiple network-enabled computer.
  • Common Payload Interface Standard (CoPaIS)
    • The Common Payload Interface Standard (CoPaIS) standardizes the space vehicle bus-to-payload interface. While SMC-SIS-001 support both ground-based and on-orbit bus-to-payload integration, the other portions (e.g., mechanical, thermal, etc.) are specifically for on-orbit bus-to-payload integration. The CoPaIS payload can be small to large mission payloads on the nadir side of the bus or a modular propulsion subsystem on the zenith side of the bus.
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